Sunday, 19 August 2012


Get up in the morning, with those sleepy eyes brush your teeth, check out on the door for the newspaper, go to the kitchen, make yourself a cup of hot Coffee and enjoy it while reading! A perfect start for a perfect day!

Coffee, with its aromatic appeal and distinctive taste is one of world’s favourite beverages. It originated in the regions of Ethiopia. Coffee was top legal agricultural export for twelve countries in 2004. The word “coffee” in English language is derived for Latin word “ caffè”.

There are some controversies regarding caffeine consumption. It is found that people drinking 1-2 cups of coffee are less likely to have headache! But for coffee when it comes to health it is always discriminated! Homeopathy doctors are predators of coffee drinkers!!

The a.m. savior, dispenser of energy and the reason why many of us are able to get through the first parts of our days without looking like zombies.
But studies show that we may be benefitting from more than just the energy-boosting caffeine in coffee -- we might also be reaping its cancer-preventing and depression-lowering effects, just to name a couple.
Of course, as with all good things, moderation is Key.

A growing body of research shows that coffee drinkers, compared to nondrinkers, are:

Less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and dementia
have fewer cases of certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes

·         Drinking more than three cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of basal-cell carcinoma by 20 percent in women and 9 percent in men.          
·         Drinking one to five cups of coffee per day reduces your risk of having a stroke by as much as 25 percent.        
·         Women who drink four cups of coffee per day are 20 percent less likely to be clinically depressed than women who drink only one cup of coffee per week.         
·          People who drink more than six cups of coffee per day are 35 percent less likely to have     type 2 diabetes than people who drink fewer than two cups of coffee per day.          
·         Coffee drinkers are about twice as likely as non-coffee drinkers not to develop the potentially deadly methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in their nostrils.         
·         People who drink four or more cups of coffee per day are 80 percent less likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver than are people who drink no coffee.          
·         Women who drink one to five cups of coffee a day—including decaf—reduce their risk of death from all causes by 15 to 19 percent compared to women who drink no coffee at all.
·         Men who drink at least six cups of coffee per day are 60 percent less likely to develop lethal prostate cancer than men who drink no coffee
·         Men who drink two to three cups of coffee per day are 60 percent less likely to develop gallstones than are men who drink no coffee.
·          Men who drink at least six cups of coffee per day are 63 percent less likely to have Parkinson’s disease than are men who drink no coffee.
·          People who drink at least three cups of coffee per day while undergoing standard treatment for hepatitis C are nearly twice as likely to respond positively to this treatment as are non-coffee drinkers.
·          Women who drink at least one 12-ounce cup of coffee per day while pregnant are potentially twice as likely to miscarry as are women who drink no coffee while pregnant.

So my friends have no fear of Coffee, enjoy the delicious gift of nature and lets all celebrate 29, September as International rather than National Day of US.


Sunday, 12 August 2012


Years passed and still that very existence of ‘God’ remains a mystery. Every religion has its own theory to explain, has its own believers and has its own culture. But certain group of our society doesn’t believe of something called God. They are atheist, I’m an atheist.

We are not against God; it’s just that, we don’t stand in his fan club. Just because your ancestors followed a certain religion doesn’t mean you should. We don’t expect anyone to do good for us; we don’t pray before the exams, we don’t believe. But after all this we aren’t the bad people. Do you know who bad people are? The person who killed millions just for sake of religion, the person who fooled the masses with the name of God and the person who wants his religion to dominate over others. It's kind of pig-headed to claim that your religion is the right religion, when other kids, like you, have been taught the same things about their religion. Just open your mind a bit, to different possibilities.

Religion divides, even if it’s not observed in everyday life. At the end of the day Muslim teaches his son Islam and Hindu teaches his son Hinduism and so it goes on from generation to generation and that very small line of division fades every day. And as the law of universe it is ‘to dominate’, people will shed blood again, and after a revolution there will be victory not of a religion but of the devil. 

We wish we could change people’s views for it would have saved mankind. In the meanwhile, good night, have a great sleep.


Tuesday, 7 August 2012


It’s  not hard to be “just friends” with the girl you truly love. That is, if you have excellent self control. (Which is, by the way, as common as sky blue pandas.) You really need the self control... You need it every time you see her walking towards you, with a half smile on her beautiful face. She is wearing her bag across her shoulder. It nearly comes down up to her knees. You hate it when someone does that. But it looks exceptionally good on her. You try to look in her eyes, but you don’t; afraid that somehow she will understand how you really feel about her.

You need the self control to message her “mu” instead of the “ilu” you want to say.

You need self control not to call her just to hear the sound of her voice.

You need it when she tells you about her latest crush.

You need it when someone tells you how awesome she is.

You need it when you accidently brush your arm against her.

You search for jokes when she tells you that she is bored.

You see her on blank papers, white walls and the back of your eyes.

You see the two of you in a couple walking on the road, holding hands, lost in each other.

You are ready to accept, nay, you have already accepted her, with all her perfections and imperfections.

You think that you really need to stop thinking so much about her; that she considers you as her friend; but you don’t really do it.

Doing that makes your eyes sad and heart water. You can’t sleep.

Even if you do sleep (sky blue pandas again) you dream about her.

Only one thing can help you now.


Sunday, 5 August 2012


Sunny Leone was born on 13 May 1981. The doctors must have looked at her and said “She will be a STAR one day.” And she is! Possibly, one of the most famous stars in India.

Her effigies were burned in Amritsar and posters of Jism 2 were torn down in Mumbai. Why? Because jism 2 is promoting a porn star. Because erotica is against our culture. It goes against our ethics to watch something like that on screen. But i got confused. Which culture were these guys trying so desperately to protect? Our? The Hindu culture? The same culture which promoted casteism, sati, polygamy, child marriages, female infanticide and honour killings? If yes then- HAHA! 

We got good, energetic guys wasting their times trying to ban sunny and Jism 2 instead of doing something constructive. If you have a problem with the movie, don’t watch it! I don’t see them trying to shut down the Indian porn industry. 

And is trying to ban Jism 2 really working out? The movie released on august 3 and made lot of box office collections.  What they did just promoted the film and helped with the publicity.
The reason why everyone bought the tickets to Jism 2 was Sunny’s “performance’. Everyone was disappointed. Why-
Times of India - Srijana Mitra Das' Rating: 3.5
Jism-2 is a sexy movie - but it's not as dirty a picture as you might expect. Surprisingly, Jism-2 hovers over sex, like a butterfly gliding across one of the many water pools the movie features. The few times the film does jump in, it lands in the shallow end.

So if you want to see her performance, there are other ways. If you know what i mean.

Thursday, 2 August 2012


Its a walk down,
The memory lane,
I’m going to see the house
I lived through summer and rain.

The house is was destroyed,
I know that,
A great fire burned and burned,
The whole area flat.

Only a few buildings survived the fire,
My being among them,
It was so, because,
It happened to be at the end of the lane.

I remember how I used to walk this way
How I’m walking now,
I remember how I used to stop this way,
How I’m stopping now.

I used to look up, at the first floor,
Searching for the pretty girl’s eyes,
I used to find them then,
Looking right into mine.

I used to stand and gaze at her,
Stopping time and tide,
She used to wave her pretty wave,
And smile her pretty smile.

I look up at the first floor now,
An old habit of mine,
I see the same pretty eyes, and,
I see the same pretty smile.

Confused, I look up again,
Breathing in sharply,
I see the girl I used to see,
Standing in the same window, smiling happily.

I look into her empty eyes,
I see her empty wave,
I understand whats going on,
I suddenly turn away.

The fire, the death, the horror,
It all comes back to me now,
How I escaped, she did not,
I remember it all now.

They took all the bodies away,
Every last one of them,
But I know the spirits never went away,
I know she is one of them.

I quickened my pace,
I ignored her call,
I ran over burned roads,
I jumped over charred walls.

I vowed never to go back,
Promised myself, crossed my heart,
But, i knew, and I was sure that nothing would ever,
Keep us two ghosts apart.



On planet Effing, Sector XVII-A Mr.Fridglee sat in his car – A beat-up Fjord – and thought hard. He sat in his car and thought hard, because that was what excellent HomeMasters did. And he had a serious problem to solve.
His eldest daughter was in love with an Earthling. A freakin Human Being! Of all species in the universe, she went for a Homo-freaking-Sapien. What the eff was wrong with her? Homo Sapiens did nothing but eat, poop and watch TV. No scientific progress or philosophical progress. They lived on a little bluish green planet just over a million light years away. Their advance intelligence was highlighted by the point that they were slowly polluting their own planet and slowly destroying it. Ha! Intelligent species my pseudopodia!

 He got out of the car and slammed the door shut. He was going to go and have a nice little chat with her. And she better listen to him. She had to marry some ugly looking Effling. A strong one would do too. But it had to be from the same species.

“Hey, dad!” his son called out to him. Skerridge, at 196 months, was a completely crazy. His dream was to go to some alien planet and through his writing skills, terrorize and tyrannize them. Nurd!
“I was searching the ether for some info on Homo Sapiens and look what I found!”
“They are complete doucheubagz!”
“Oh. Then go tell that to your sister.”
“Look- they are destroying their own planet, they fight with their neighbours, they actually like gay singers and they don’t wear any clothes at the beach!”
“And hey dad, I wanted to ask you something...”
“Do you need my permission?”
“Then go ahead and do it.”

After an hour (which consisted of three earth minutes), Mr.Fridglee came out of his daughter’s room. He had successfully convinced her that marrying an Earthling rather than an Effling could lead to serious possible injury and was unadvisable.
In the living room, he found the rest of his family staring solemnly at him.
“What happened?” he asked.
“He’s gone.” Replied his wife.
“Who’s gone?”
“Skerridge? Where?!”
“What?! When!?”
“Just now. By the InterGalactus.”

Skerridge was gone. Mr.Fridglee felt like a piece of lungs was pulled out. Skerridge was his only adopted son. Well, not exactly adopted. He found skerridge tied to a nuclear warhead playing with the detonator. But wait...He would need...
“He would need a new identity...!”
“I think he already made one.”
“Whats his new name then?”
“Its K something.”
“Yeah.  Its K4VI.”