Sunday, 19 August 2012


Get up in the morning, with those sleepy eyes brush your teeth, check out on the door for the newspaper, go to the kitchen, make yourself a cup of hot Coffee and enjoy it while reading! A perfect start for a perfect day!

Coffee, with its aromatic appeal and distinctive taste is one of world’s favourite beverages. It originated in the regions of Ethiopia. Coffee was top legal agricultural export for twelve countries in 2004. The word “coffee” in English language is derived for Latin word “ caffè”.

There are some controversies regarding caffeine consumption. It is found that people drinking 1-2 cups of coffee are less likely to have headache! But for coffee when it comes to health it is always discriminated! Homeopathy doctors are predators of coffee drinkers!!

The a.m. savior, dispenser of energy and the reason why many of us are able to get through the first parts of our days without looking like zombies.
But studies show that we may be benefitting from more than just the energy-boosting caffeine in coffee -- we might also be reaping its cancer-preventing and depression-lowering effects, just to name a couple.
Of course, as with all good things, moderation is Key.

A growing body of research shows that coffee drinkers, compared to nondrinkers, are:

Less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and dementia
have fewer cases of certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes

·         Drinking more than three cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of basal-cell carcinoma by 20 percent in women and 9 percent in men.          
·         Drinking one to five cups of coffee per day reduces your risk of having a stroke by as much as 25 percent.        
·         Women who drink four cups of coffee per day are 20 percent less likely to be clinically depressed than women who drink only one cup of coffee per week.         
·          People who drink more than six cups of coffee per day are 35 percent less likely to have     type 2 diabetes than people who drink fewer than two cups of coffee per day.          
·         Coffee drinkers are about twice as likely as non-coffee drinkers not to develop the potentially deadly methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in their nostrils.         
·         People who drink four or more cups of coffee per day are 80 percent less likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver than are people who drink no coffee.          
·         Women who drink one to five cups of coffee a day—including decaf—reduce their risk of death from all causes by 15 to 19 percent compared to women who drink no coffee at all.
·         Men who drink at least six cups of coffee per day are 60 percent less likely to develop lethal prostate cancer than men who drink no coffee
·         Men who drink two to three cups of coffee per day are 60 percent less likely to develop gallstones than are men who drink no coffee.
·          Men who drink at least six cups of coffee per day are 63 percent less likely to have Parkinson’s disease than are men who drink no coffee.
·          People who drink at least three cups of coffee per day while undergoing standard treatment for hepatitis C are nearly twice as likely to respond positively to this treatment as are non-coffee drinkers.
·          Women who drink at least one 12-ounce cup of coffee per day while pregnant are potentially twice as likely to miscarry as are women who drink no coffee while pregnant.

So my friends have no fear of Coffee, enjoy the delicious gift of nature and lets all celebrate 29, September as International rather than National Day of US.


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